Sunday, April 24, 2016

Helping Babies Breathe

Saving Babies in Central Vietnam
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one million babies die each year from birth asphyxia (eg. the inability to breathe immediately after delivery). The goal of this project is to minimize infant mortality caused by asphyxia in rural villages of Central Vietnam.

Within one minute of birth, a baby should be breathing well or should be ventilated with a bag and mask.  The Golden Minute, taught in ‘Helping Babies Breathe’ (HBB), identifies the steps that a birth attendant must take immediately after birth to evaluate the baby and stimulate breathing.

Imagine being pregnant with your 7th child - but having no living children because all 6 of your previous babies died within minutes of birth.  This is a common story in developing countries.  Worldwide, approximately 10% of newborns require some assistance after birth.  1% need a full resuscitation but the other 9% can be saved with simple procedures and equipment.  HBB addresses the needs and treatment of the 9%.  Many women in rural central Vietnam do not have access to childbirth in a well-equipped hospital.  Countless births are at home, attended by traditional birth attendants with no equipment and minimal training. 

Helping Babies Breathe is a didactic and skill program developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).  In 2015, 4 HBB Master Trainers spent two weeks training Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA) in the basic HBB skills.  We also trained Instructors.  This year, 2016, 2 HBB/ECEB Master Trainers will do a refresher for some TBAs, train 6 more instructors, and will teach Essential Care for Every Baby (ECEB) - another course from the AAP.

For just $30 we can provide each TBA with a $30 re-sterilizable resuscitation bag and suction device.  With just one day of training, the TBA can be taught to assess the newborn and use the equipment to help babies breathe and save lives.

For just $100 we can provide each new HBB Trainer with a newborn manikin, HBB flip chart, a resuscitation bag and a suction device.  These supplies can be used repeatedly so that HBB training can continue and be reinforced in Central Vietnam.

This trip is being sponsored by Global Community Service Foundation (GCFS) and we are grateful for their support and assistance in planning this trip. is the website for GCFS where you can find more information about their programs.  Should you feel called to donate, you may do so on the website.  If you donate and wish your funds to go to HBB/ECEB, please also email and indicate your wishes.  

Thank you to all who have supported this trip - with your financial donations, donations of equipment, blankets, infant hats, and with your verbal support and encouragement.  We are grateful!

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